Chinese game developer miHoYo is cooking up an update that will soon change the Genshin Impact Elemental meta.

The Elemental Reactions that the players have been using will be receiving buffs and adjustments to “increase the role that they play in combat,” according to miHoYo’s 4/29 Developers Discussion.

This means that the damage caused by some of the major elemental reactions like Electro-Charged, Superconduct, Overloaded, Swirl, and Shatter will be buffed for characters that are Level 60 and above.

As most of the above-mentioned Elemental Reactions include the Electro element, the next Genshin Impact update might shift to this meta. Will we finally get to see Beidou, Fischl, Keqing, Lisa, and Razor unleash their true potential?

It’s also in line with the upcoming Inazuma update, where the Electro Archon Baal will make its debut.

Since Elemental Reactions and Elemental Mastery come hand-in-hand in Genshin Impact, the DMG Bonus caused by the latter will also be buffed.

Shields generated by the Crystallize Elemental Reaction will also be a bit beefier with the added Base Shield DMG Absorption.

All these planned changes are still in the works, and nothing is set in stone yet. They are currently being tested by miHoYo in the Version 1.6 Beta.

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