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T1’s support player Ryu “Keria” Min-seok has done it again. He made it to the Worlds knockout stages in 2023.
So far, he has graced all but one international stage since his LCK debut in 2020, only missing the Mid-Season Invitational in 2021.
In fact, T1 has qualified for almost all Worlds and MSI events since their meteoric rise in 2015. They were only absent in four tournaments — MSI and Worlds 2018, Worlds 2020, and MSI 2021,
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At this year’s Worlds 2023, Riot rolled out a fresh Swiss format. In a crucial match-up, both T1 and BLG entered with 2-1 records. To everyone’s surprise, T1 swept them to secure their quarterfinals spot on the backs of a Senna and Tahm Kench bot lane.